Page 30 - Junior Explorer 6. Podręcznik
P. 30

The mystery of the missing pilot

                                                                                   Read and listen

                                                                          1   18  Read and listen. How old was
                                                                              Amelia Earhart when she disappeared?

                                                                  On 2nd July 1937, Amelia Earhart hoped to
                                                                 land her plane on the tiny island of Howland in
                                                              the Pacific Ocean. (1)    She and her plane simply
                                                            vanished. What happened?
                                                           Amelia Earhart was born in 1897 in the USA. (2)
                                                         She didn’t think it was interesting. But later she flew as
                                                        a passenger in a plane over Los Angeles. She knew then
                                                        that she wanted to learn how to fly. (3)   She flew very well.
                                                       Not many people flew in those days so it was unusual for
                                                       a woman to be a pilot. But Amelia Earhart was an unusual
                                                       person. In 1932, she was the second person to fly a plane
                                                       alone across the Atlantic Ocean. (4)    She wanted to fly a
                                                       plane around the world.
                                                        In June 1937, she began her journey around the world from
                                                         Miami, USA, with her navigator, Fred Noonan. First, they flew
                                                          across the USA to Brazil. (5)    On 2nd July 1937, they took
                                                            off from New Guinea to Howland Island. The plane never
                                                             arrived on the island. People searched for Earhart and
                                                               Noonan for weeks, but they didn’t find them.
                                                                   So what happened? Maybe she flew too slowly
                                                                      or too fast. Maybe she got lost, ran out of
                                                                          fuel and crashed into the  sea. Nobody
                                                                               knows. It is still a mystery today.

                      Guess                                                 Skills Explorer
                                                                 Dobieranie zdań do luk w tekście
               Many people are                                   •  Przeczytaj po kolei każdy z akapitów.
            scared of flying, but in                             •  Zastanów się, jaką treść przekazuje każdy z nich.
           fact it’s three times safer                           •  Przeczytaj zdania służące do uzupełnienia luk.
            than travelling by train                             •  Zastanów się, które z nich najlepiej pasuje do danego
               and twelve times                                    akapitu.
             safer than travelling                               •  Zwróć uwagę na wyrazy, które łączą zdania
                                                                   w logiczną całość, np. then
                     by car.

          2    19   Decide where these sentences go in the    3  Find words in the article with the same
             text. Write the answers in your notebook.            meaning as the words below.
             Then listen and check.                               1  very small:
             a  So Amelia became a pilot.                         2  different and interesting:
             b  Then they flew across Africa, Asia and Australia.   3  with nobody:
             c  Amelia was ten when she saw her first plane.      4  look for:
             d  But she never arrived.                            5  petrol or gas:
             e  Amelia had even bigger dreams, however.           6  hit and break:
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